

发布日期:2016-12-29 浏览次数: [字体: ]


2016年12月28日下午3点30,应计算机学院和江苏省信息安全工程研究中心邀请,英国Aston大学诸葛海教授(现为我院讲座教授)在仙林校区S2楼109室做学术报告。诸葛海教授报告题为“Multi-dimensional summarization in cyber-physical society”。报告会由计算机学院院长吉根林教授主持,我校部分教师和研究生聆听了整场报告。
诸葛海,英国Aston大学计算机学科首席教授,曾任中科院研究员、百人计划人选、973首席科学家,是国际智能科学与大数据科学领域的知名学者。担任IEEE Intelligent Systems 副编。曾担任英国皇家工程院杰出访问研究员,是ACM杰出讲学者(Distinguished Speaker of Association of Computing Machinery),为世界上30多所大学作邀请报告。诸葛教授是美国、澳大利亚、奥地利、韩国和爱尔兰等国家科学基金评审专家,英国国家科技奖评审专家。曾12次担任国际会议的主席和程序主席。
Summarization is one of the key features of human intelligence. It plays an important role in understanding and representation. With rapid and continual expansion of texts, pictures and videos in cyberspace, automatic summarization becomes more and more desirable. Text summarization has been studied for over half century, but it is still hard to automatically generate a satisfied summary. Traditional methods process texts empirically and neglect the fundamental characteristics and principles of language use and understanding. This lecture summarizes previous text summarization approaches in a multi-dimensional classification space, introduces a multi-dimensional methodology for research and development, unveils the basic characteristics and principles of language use and understanding, investigates some fundamental mechanisms of summarization, studies the dimensions and forms of representations, and proposes a multi-dimensional evaluation mechanisms. Investigation extends to the incorporation of pictures into summary and to the summarization of videos, graphs and pictures, and then reaches a general summarization framework.